Cyber Trust Program Final Result Seminar on 26 September in Helsinki

DIMECC Cyber Trust program Final result seminar is arranged with Cyber Security Nordic event on September 26 in Helsinki. Cyber Trust seminar will be arranged in Holiday Inn Hotel, right next to the Messukeskus where Cyber Security Nordic takes place. Registration is now open here! Detailed program here! DIMECC Cyber Trust Program created a foundation for…

NSF Cyber Security Site to be Established

International collaboration is one of the goals in DIMECC Cyber Trust Program. This ambitious target will be realized through ongoing work with establishing of the Cyber Security and Software Engineering Research Site in collaboration with National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) –program. The site is planned to be a part of Software Engineering…

Device Security in Public Safety communications

Focus Area Director of Cyber Trust-prgram Markku Korkiakoski from Bittium will be speaking from 1220-1240 on 2nd June. Title: “Device Security in Public Safety communications” at Critical Communications World, RAI Amsterdam (31.5.-2.6.2016).

Cyber Trust – Kyberluottamus tulevaisuuden kasvun mahdollistajana

Tervetuloa tehokkaaseen tulevaisuuden tietoturvaa koskevaan tapahtumaan Technopolis Ouluun (Elektroniikkatie 3, auditorio) keskiviikkona 16.9.2015 klo 13.00-15.00! Tilaisuus on avoin kaikille tietoturvasta kiinnostuneille oululaisille yrityksille ja alasta kiinnostuneille tulevaisuuden osaajille. Asiantuntijapuheenvuorojen jälkeen aikaa on varattu myös verkostoitumiselle, tule siis tapaamaan tulevaisuuden tekijöitä! Lue lisää:

DIGILE’s Cyber Trust program waiting for take-off

Cybersecurity is a topic that is basically in everyone’s lips today. News daily report about different cybercrimes influencing all levels, from states to companies to individual people. Snowden’s revelations made it widely known how dependable devices and services are and how large scale monitoring and interception are feasible compromising our privacy. Cybercrime has traditionally been…